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How to Download & Build MediaPipe on NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX?


1. How to Download & Build MediaPipe?

2. How to Install MediaPipe?


Hardware: DSBOX-NX2 Xavier-NX 16GB with NVME SSD

OS: JetPack-5.0.2

In this blog-post, we will download & build MediaPipe on NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX. First, we will download the source files from GitHub. Then, we will install the required packages. Finally, we will build & test it using a test file.

How to Download & Build MediaPipe?

Follow the instruction to setup Bazel from here.

Then, clone the MediaPipe repository with the command below.

git clone -b v0.8.11

sudo apt-get update

Install python3-dev using the command:

sudo apt install -y python3-dev

Install cmake using the command:

sudo apt install -y cmake

Install protobuf-compiler using the command:

sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler

Install pip using the command:

sudo apt install pip

Install cython using the command:

python3 -m pip install cython

Install dlib using the command:

python3 -m pip install dlib

Install imutils using the command:

python3 -m pip install imutils

Install numpy using the command:

python3 -m pip install numpy==1.22.3

Then, modify mediapipe/ like the following:

Delete selected line and add given line:

“self._protoc, '-I.', '-I/usr/local/include', '--python_out=' + os.path.abspath(self.build_lib), source”

After that save the file and close it.

Go to the MediaPipe directory. Remove unnecessary OpenCV modules and linker flags.

sed -i -e "/\"imgcodecs\"/d;/\"calib3d\"/d;/\"features2d\"/d;/\"highgui\"/d;/\"video\"/d;/\"videoio\"/d" third_party/BUILD
sed -i -e "/-ljpeg/d;/-lpng/d;/-ltiff/d;/-lImath/d;/-lIlmImf/d;/-lHalf/d;/-lIex/d;/-lIlmThread/d;/-lrt/d;/-ldc1394/d;/-lavcodec/d;/-lavformat/d;/-lavutil/d;/-lswscale/d;/-lavresample/d" third_party/BUILD

Add given lines to cmake_external in third_party/BUILD file.



Build MediaPipe using the command:

python3 gen_protos && python3 bdist_wheel

How to Install MediaPipe?

Install MediaPipe using built package (The username is "nvidia" on our Jetson).

cd dist/
python3 -m pip install mediapipe-dev-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl

Let's test MediaPipe with the test files under Python directory (The username is "nvidia" on our Jetson).

python3 ../mediapipe/python/

Thank you for reading our blog post.