How to Disable Desktop GUI on Jetson Modules? -

How to Disable Desktop GUI on Jetson Modules?

Jetson AGX Xavier | Jetson Nano | Jetson TX2 NX | Jetson Xavier NX

08 September 2021

1- How to Disable Desktop GUI on Jetson Modules?


OS: Jetpack 4.5

 How to Disable Desktop GUI on Jetson Modules

In this blog post, we will show how to disable the desktop environment to save memory on RAM. This will help you to save space and time when training models on machine learning applications by disabling the programs running on the desktop. 

If you want to disable the Desktop GUI only temporarily run the following command.

sudo init 3 

To enable the desktop when you finish, run the following command.

sudo init 5 

If you wish to stop Desktop GUI on every reboot, run the following command.

sudo systemctl set-default

To enable GUI again, run the following command.

sudo systemctl set-default

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