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DSBOX-NX2 (Rev. 1.1) Industrial Input Output Interface Tutorial


1- The pinout of I/O connector  

2- Setting and Reading Input Pin 

3- Setting Digital Output as High and Low 


Hardware: DSBOX-NX2 (Rev. 1.1)

OS: JetPack-4.5 & JetPack-5.0.2

The pinout of I/O connector

This blog post is suitable for ;

• NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX SOM with DSBOARD-NX2 (Rev. 1.1) 

• DSBOX-NX2 (Rev. 1.1)

In this blog post, we will test the IIO (Industrial Input Output) interface of DSBOX-NX2.

First, let's look over the IO connector. On the connector, there are 3 isolated outputs, 2 isolated inputs, and 3 ground.

Setting and Reading Input Pin

Digital input side accepts signals between 12-24V (rated for 2.25mA). In our application, we used Heschen M12 Inductive Proximity Sensor (PNP & Normally Open(NO)) with 24V voltage source.

Find sysfs equivalent of the connected input pin from the table. For this setup it is DIGITAL_IN0. After proper hardware connection, we can continue with the software side.

For JetPack-4.x

Set DIGITAL_IN0 as input and read sensor value. To do this, you should use the commands below.

sudo sh -c "echo 232 > /sys/class/gpio/export"
sudo sh -c "echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio232/direction"
sudo sh -c "cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio232/value"

For JetPack-5.x

Set DIGITAL_IN0 as input and read sensor value. To do this, you should use the commands below.

sudo sh -c "echo 297 > /sys/class/gpio/export"
sudo sh -c "echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio297/direction"
sudo sh -c "cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio297/value"

Setting Digital Output as High and Low

Digital output side can drive loads up to 24V and has a current limit of 1A. They work as low side switches, open-close between them and GND_ISO. So, you should have a circuitry as in the schematic below. In our application, we used GASHER 24V Indicator Light with 24V voltage source. 

Find sysfs equivalent of the connected output pin from the table below. For this setup it is DIGITAL_OUT0. After proper hardware connection with industrial LED, we can continue with the software side.

For JetPack-4.x

Then, set DIGITAL_OUT0 as output and control light state. To do this, you should use the commands below.

sudo sh -c "echo 236 > /sys/class/gpio/export"
sudo sh -c "echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio236/direction"

To short Output

sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio236/value"

To open Output

sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio236/value"

For JetPack-5.x

Then, set DIGITAL_OUT0 as output and control light state. To do this, you should use the commands below.

sudo sh -c "echo 301 > /sys/class/gpio/export"
sudo sh -c "echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio301/direction"

To short Output

sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio301/value"

To open Output

sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio301/value"

Thank you for reading our blog post.