EXAMPLES OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Embedded systems are used for various areas in our daily life and industries such as the military, health, and automation. They are designed to perform specific t...
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HOW DO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS WORK? Embedded Systems are created to overcome the real-time computing constraints and they are controlled by RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) which can process ...
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THE EMBEDDED COMPUTERS what ıs an embedded computer? Before starting to explain the Embedded Computers, it is crucial to know the Embedded Systems and what is the real life applicatio...
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INDUSTRIAL USAGE OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Embedded systems are utilized in a variety of industries to perform specific tasks within a broader mechanical or electrical system. From heating and ven...
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EMBEDDED SYSTEMS An embedded system is based on a microcontroller/microprocessor system of software and hardware which is design to carry out given functions within an electrical or mech...
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NVIDIA® JETSON™ EMBEDDED SYSTEM SOLUTIONS FOR EDGE COMPUTING As the edge computing gains importance together with the artificial intelligence, embedded systems are now present in ever...
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